Monthly Archives: April 2011

Elementary Math

I love math. Unlike spelling which makes no sense to me, there’s always been a pattern to math. I love tutoring math. I like to watch struggling students turn to smiles as they understand a new concept and master it.

The biggest lesson I’ve learned in math is: if you don’t understand something, ask a question. Ask someone sitting next to you, your teacher, a friend, your parents or a neighbor. I dropped my math minor in college because I was afraid to ask questions in class. I made it through two years of calculus only to be stumped in Number Theory.


Utah Teacher of Psychology and Social Sciences is a professional organization of high school teachers in Utah. It’s grown a lot in the last decade since it was organized. They have a yearly meeting at the University of Utah. There’s also a listserv for Psych teachers to share information about new topics, hard to teach vocabulary, current psych news article links or whatever they want to talk about.